Extreme weather events are set to increase in frequency. Will Hoylake’s coastal defences, built in1897, be sufficient in years to come? © HVL
Extreme weather events are set to increase in frequency. Will Hoylake’s coastal defences, built in1897, be sufficient in years to come? © HVL


Overall summary of HVL presentation given at Old Town Hall, Hoylake:

Original outline document:

More detailed updates on current status:

Supporting information:

Key document written by Alan Jemmett nearly 20 years ago about the consequences of wind blown sand accretion at Hoylake (see the executive summary):

Paper by Phil Smith and Patricia Lockwood about their work monitoring dune succession at Birkdale; a possible model for Hoylake as the conditions are so strikingly similar:

Drainage issues:

In regard to the various drainage problems:

Overall HIGH RES drone orthomosaic:

Overall LOW RES drone orthomosaic with labels:

Key areas of concern are:

  • Red Rocks to Kings Gap Slipway; broken domestic drains and sepage through promenade wall from private residences, notably end of Beach Road
  • Kings Gap Slipway: water bubbling up, feeding meadow grass growth (which may be exacerbated by residents dumping sand back onto beach)
  • Trinity Road Old Toilet Block Slipway: Multiple issues; potential incorrectly capped sewer, seepage through promenade wall; water bubbling from underground
  • Full length of promenade: groundwater outlets blocked by raised sand levels (sand rising at 300mm per decade). Seepage through promenade wall.